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Selenium Certification Training in Bangalore

Acquire Skills in Selenium Automation to Streamline Your Web Application Testing

Selenium Certification Training in BangaloreRia Institute in Bangalore offers the best Selenium Training Course for Java and Python

Ria Institute offers the best Selenium Certification Training in Bangalore because of its strong reputation and positive feedback from students. Ria Institute’s training method emphasizes ease of understanding Selenium concepts, which is crucial for beginners and professionals looking to enhance their skills. The structure of the Selenium Certification Training course content ensures a complete learning experience by covering all the essential concepts under Selenium Courses. Ria Institute in Bangalore provides hands-on experience and project support on Selenium, which is vital for practical knowledge and real-time exposure. This hands-on approach is complemented by advanced lab facilities where students can practice selenium in scenarios that mimic real-world applications.

Key Features of Selenium Certification Training in Bangalore

  1. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Selenium supports automation across different browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and others. This ensures that web applications function consistently across all platforms and devices, which is crucial for user experience
  2. Support for Multiple Programming Languages: Selenium is compatible with several programming languages including Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript. This flexibility allows testers to use their preferred programming skills to write test scripts, making Selenium accessible to a broader range of developers.
  3. Integration with Other Tools: You can integrate Selenium with tools such as TestNG and JUnit to manage test cases and generate reports, as well as with Jenkins or Maven for continuous integration. This versatility allows it to fit seamlessly into various development ecosystems.
  4. Community and ResourcesSelenium, as an open-source tool, boasts a large community of developers and testers. A wealth of resources, forums, and documentation is readily available, which simplifies the process for new learners to receive support and enhance their testing skills.
  5. Real-World Application and Hands-On Experience: Selenium training often incorporates hands-on experience with real-world projects, which enables learners to understand how to apply Selenium in actual testing scenarios. 
  6. Enhanced Testing Speed and Efficiency: Selenium automates the testing process, significantly speeding up the testing cycle compared to manual testing. This rapid testing capability allows organizations to bring their software products to market faster.

Comparing Selenium Training with Java VS Selenium Training with Python

Feature Java Python
Execution Speed and Performance Selenium scripts written in Java tend to execute faster than those written in Python. This is because Java is a compiled language, which generally allows for quicker execution times compared to interpreted languages. Python is an interpreted language, which means it determines data types at runtime. This can lead to slower execution speeds compared to Java.
Ease of Learning and Code Verbosity Python is often recommended for those new to programming or with limited programming experience due to its concise syntax and readability. Python allows for writing less code to achieve the same functionality, which can simplify the learning process and maintenance of test scripts, especially for small-scale projects. Java has a steeper learning curve due to its verbose syntax and complex code structure. However, it provides robust object-oriented programming capabilities, which can be advantageous for managing complex test cases.
Community Support and Resources Java has extensive community support and a wealth of resources available for Selenium. This includes detailed documentation and a large number of community discussions, which can be helpful for troubleshooting and learning. While Python also has strong community support, the resources specific to Selenium might not be as abundant as those available for Java.
Integration with Other Tools Java seamlessly integrates with a vast ecosystem of testing tools and frameworks such as TestNG, JUnit, Maven, and Jenkins. This makes it suitable for large-scale and complex projects that require extensive integration with other tools. Python also integrates well with tools, particularly in data science and machine learning contexts. However, it may lack some of the integration capabilities that Java offers, particularly in enterprise-level environments.
Project Suitability Java is better suited for large-scale and complex projects due to its performance, robustness, and better integration with other enterprise-level tools. It is also preferred if the existing codebase or team expertise is primarily in Java. Python is ideal for smaller projects or for individuals and teams looking for a language that is easier to learn and quicker to implement. It is also beneficial if the project involves tasks related to data analysis or machine learning, leveraging Python’s strong presence in these areas.

Selenium with Java Curriculum

Selenium With Java Curriculum Course Content
Selenium Basics
  • What is automation testing?
  • Introduction to Selenium
  • Selenium Variants
  • Supported Platforms (Browsers, Programming Languages, Operating Systems)
  • How Selenium Works?
  • Comparison between Selenium and QTP
Selenium IDE
  • Introduction
  • Setting up Selenium IDE
  • IDE in detail – Features and Components
  • Test Suites
  • Record and Playback in IDE
  • Editing Scripts in Selenium IDE
  • Running a Test Script
  • Selenium Commands
  • Adding Verification Points
  • Script Examples
  • Advanced IDE – Java Script, UI Elements, and User-Extensions.
Common Selenium Commands in Detail
  • Open and Click Commands
  • Verification Commands
  • Locator Elements
  • Wait Commands
  • Storing Variables and Store Commands
  • Examples
Selenium Remote Control
  • Description and How Selenium RC works
  • Selenium RC Installation
  • Selenium RC Server
  • Choosing RC Programming Language
  • Exporting IDE test to RC script
  • RC Architecture
  • Writing a Test Script in RC
Java Concepts for Selenium
  • Overview of Object Oriented Concepts
  • Classes, Objects, and methods
  • Constructors
  • Data Types, Access Modifiers
  • Interfaces, Inheritance, Static Methods
  • Looping and Conditions
  • Exception Handling
  • Collection Library – List, Hash Map, Hash Table
  • Reading Excel/CSV files in core java
  • Database Validation
Frameworks with Selenium – Junit, TestNG
  • Supported Automation Frameworks
  • Setting up Eclipse
  • JUnit Vs TestNG
  • Executing Selenium Scripts using JUnit and Test NG
  • Sequential and Parallel Execution
  • Storing Results
Selenium 2.0 (Web Driver)
  • Why Webdriver?
  • How Webdriver works?
  • Difference between Selenium RC and Webdriver
  • Setting up webdriver
  • Creating scripts using Webdriver
  • Playing with UI objects using Webdriver
  • Cross browser testing using Webdriver
  • Advanced WebDriver – Multiple browsers, Browser profiles, Screenshots etc.
  • Using Page Objects in WebDriver
Page Objects Advanced
  • Exception Handling in Selenium
  • Using Property files in Selenium
  • Establish Database connections and execute SQL queries
  • Data Driven testing using Selenium
Setting up Selenium Grid as collection of RC servers
  • Automation Frameworks
  • Modular Framework
  • Keyword Driven Framework
  • Hybrid Framework

Selenium with Python Curriculum

Section Module Topics Covered
Python 1.Setup And Configuration
  • Python Installation – Windows
  • Configuration Of Python – Windows
  • Package Management Using PIP
  • IDE Options For Python Development
  • Installing iPython
Python Understanding Variables And Data Type
  • Python Terminal Walkthrough – Preview
  • Understanding Objects And References
  • Variables Rules
  • Numbers Data Type And Math Operations
  • Numbers – Exponentiation And Modulo
  • Arithmetic Order Of Precedence
  • Boolean Data Type
  • Working With Strings
  • String Methods – Part 1
  • String Methods – Part 2
  • More String Slicing And Indexing
  • Strings Formatting
Python Advanced Data Types
  • List And Accessing The Elements
  • List Methods
  • Working With Dictionary
  • Nested Dictionary
  • Dictionary Methods
  • Working With Tuple
  • Datetime
  • Python Debugger – pdb
  • Timing your code – timeit
  • Regular Expressions -re
  • StringIO
  • Advanced Python Modules FAQ
Python Advanced Python Objects and Data Structures
  • Numbers
  • Advanced Strings
  • Advanced Sets
  • Advanced Dictionaries
  • Advanced Lists
SQL Comparison And Boolean Operators
  • Working With Comparators
  • Understanding Boolean Operators
  • Boolean Operators – Order Of Precedence
Python Program Control Flow
  • Conditional Logic – If Else Conditions
  • While Loop Demo
  • Break Continue And While/Else
  • For Loop Demo
  • Iterating Multiple Lists – Using the Zip Function
  • Using Range Function In For Loop
Python Methods – Working With Reusable Code
  • Understanding Methods
  • Working With Return Values
  • Working With Positional / Optional Parameters
  • Understanding Variable Scope
  • More Built-In Functions
Python Classes – Object Oriented Programming
  • Understanding Objects / Classes
  • Create Your Own Object
  • Create Your Own Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Method Overriding
  • Special (Magic/Dunder) Methods
Python Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling Demo
  • Finally And Else Block
  • Pylint Overview
  • Running tests with the Unittest Library
Python Modules
  • Builtin Modules
  • Create Your Own Modules
Python Python Decorators
  • Decorators with Python overview
Python Python Gererators
  • Generators with Python
Python Working With Files
  • How To Write Data To A File
  • How To Read A File
  • File Handling Using “With” And “As” Keywords
  • File Handling – Excel using Pyxl module
Selenium WebDriver with Python Selenium WebDriver -> Setup And Installation
  • Selenium WebDriver Installation – Windows
  • Selenium 3.x Update
Machine Learning Algorithms Module 14. Decision Trees and Random Forests
  • Introduction to Decision Trees
  • Truncation and Pruning
  • Random Forests
Selenium WebDriver with Python Selenium WebDriver -> Running Tests On Various Browsers
  • Selenium WebDriver 3.x Gecko Driver Setup – Windows
  • Running Tests On Firefox
  • Running Tests On Google Chrome – Windows
  • Requirements To Run Tests On IE
  • Running Tests On Internet Explorer
Selenium WebDriver with Python Selenium WebDriver -> Finding Elements
  • Understanding Elements And DOM
  • Find Element By Id And Name
  • Understanding Dynamic Ids And Selenium Exception
  • Find Element By XPath And CSS Selectors
  • Find Element By Link Text
  • Find Element By Class Name And Tag Name
  • Understanding “By” Class
  • How To Find List Of Elements
Selenium WebDriver with Python CSS Selectors – Advanced Locators
  • Using Ids With CSS Selectors To Find Elements
  • How To Use Multiple CSS Classes To Find Elements
  • Using Wildcards With CSS Selectors
  • How To Find Child Nodes Using CSS Selectors
  • CSS Cheat Sheet
Selenium WebDriver with Python Xpath – Advanced Locators
  • Difference Between Absolute And Relative Xpath
  • How to Build An Effective Xpath
  • Using Text To Build An Effective Xpath
  • Build Xpath Using Contains Keyword
  • Build Xpath Using Starts-With Keyword
  • How To Find Parent and Sibling Nodes
  • Practice Exercise With Solution + *** Interview Question ***
  • Xpath Cheat Sheet
Selenium WebDriver with Python Selenium WebDriver -> Working With Web Elements
  • Browser Interactions Introduction
  • Browser Interaction *** Practical Implementation ***
  • How To Click And Type On A Web Element
  • How To Find The State Of A Web Element (Disabled And Enabled Elements)
  • Radio Buttons And Checkboxes
  • Working With Elements List
  • Understanding Dropdown Elements
  • Working With A Dropdown Element *** Practical Example ***
  • How To Work With Hidden Elements
  • Working With Hidden Elements – Practical Example
Selenium WebDriver with Python Selenium WebDriver -> Useful Methods And Properties
  • How To Get The Text On Element
  • How To Get Value Of Element Attribute
  • Generic Method To Find Elements
  • How To Check If Element Is Present
  • How To Build Dynamic XPath
Selenium WebDriver with Python Selenium WebDriver -> Wait Types
  • Implicit Wait Vs Explicit Wait
  • Implicit Wait *** Practical Example ***
  • Explicit Wait *** Practical Example ***
  • Generic Method To Work With Explicit Wait

Note: For complete course details, please contact us.

FAQsSelenium Certification Training in Bangalore FAQs

If you’re a beginner with no programming background, you can grasp the basics of Selenium, Java, and automation concepts in around 2-4 months by dedicating a few hours daily.

Yes, Selenium is still in high demand. Web applications are seen by many companies as the next big thing, and the test automation market trends continue to rise. A large number of prominent companies worldwide rely on Selenium resources for their test automation requirements.

Selenium supports a variety of programming languages, but the two most popular options are:


Java is one of the most popular languages for Selenium automation due to its robust libraries, extensive community support, and a wide range of testing frameworks like TestNG and JUnit.


Python is also a favored language for Selenium due to its simplicity and readability.

Selenium is relatively easy to learn, requiring just some basic knowledge of HTML and a few commands to get started. Learning Selenium can also make it easier to learn more complex coding languages, such as Java and Python, as many of the same concepts carry over.

Yes, learning Selenium is an excellent choice for freshers. By acquiring this valuable skill set that is in high demand among employers, freshers can increase their employability and career prospects. Selenium allows freshers to learn automation testing skills, including test script creation, test case design, and test execution.

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